by Kirsten Ivatts | Dec 20, 2023 | Channel, Know Thyself, Uncategorized
Christmas is a time where feelings can rise to the surface. These feelings are triggered by others, if we see the world through a victim mentality, which is the most common viewpoint for humanity at this time. This viewpoint is so common that most of you reading this will be now feeling triggered by my words.
Before I go on, I must say that my words ALWAYS sit within the vibration of pure love. I look at you and see the beauty of a Soul that is an aspect, or personality of me. I see myself as an aspect or personality of you. We are all one.
When thinking about what to write about feelings today, the following came to me.
by Kirsten Ivatts | Jan 10, 2023 | Channel
Call it ‘shifting to 4D, 5D or 6D’, but don’t use labels to mask your individual experience of the human evolutionary process. You don’t need to keep up, this creates a resistance (or block), but surrender your control entirely and progress in the manner, way and time that is correct for you. Because if its correct for you, it is correct for the Human Evolutionary Process.
In fact, changing the word ‘evolution’ to growth may be a better way for us all to understand what is happening to the human race now. Nobody grows at exactly the same rate. My grandsons are identical twins, yet one is taller than the other, and both have developed differently mentally and emotionally.
by Kirsten Ivatts | Jul 27, 2022 | Channel
A few weeks ago I received a message from a new source, Alina High Priestess of the Lion Emissaries of Sirius B. I felt she was passing by and I just happened to be of a frequency to tune into her message. But as we have now entered the Lions Gate Portal I wanted to see if I could find her again. This connection wasn’t as strong as the one with The 9. These things take time to fully tune in as our frequencies create a match. But here is what I received. (more…)
by Kirsten Ivatts | Jul 11, 2022 | Channel
This week when I asked my question the answer came from a very different energy. This wasn’t any part of The 9. This was a very straight talking, direct, forthright…and Queenly energy. I have never encountered this being before.
What guidance can you offer us around the Queen of Wands energy?
Wear your sovereignty with pride. You have earned your leadership qualities through your hard work across many lifetimes. Do not toss the crown away, because you think it represents ego, and man made power. Instead see it as your right to stand up and speak from the heart. Let your truth be the robe you don, and your sovereignty, the crown. You were made for this. This is your time.
Do not cower behind the rocks, fearful of what others will think of you. These others are the hyenas waiting to attack when you seem at your most vulnerable, however if you keep walking they will fall away, confused by your lack of fear.
All Queens need advisors. Do not allow yourself the opportunity to ignore the good advice, but do be discerning. Gather those to you that are on your frequency of love and joy, so that their voices help sure up your certainty in your mission.
As Sovereign Beings of Light, you are ready to rule your own divine Soul Matrix, more than ready. You are ready to shine as bright as any star. It is time to turn the tide on Earth. All who read this, take these words into your heart and find the knowing within you. There is nothing to wait for. All is now.
Alina, Priestess of the Lion Emissaries of Sirius B.
Image from
by Kirsten Ivatts | Nov 10, 2020 | Channel, Know Thyself, Uncategorized
My book, Reclaiming Lost Energy is now available as a pdf Ebook in my shop. This is Chapter 1.
I often get what I refer to as a ‘download’ of information and energy in bed at night. I think of them as neural pathways opening to reveal new information from the vast databank that is available to all, if we were just aware enough to allow it. Some people call this the Akash and have rituals they use to access it.
I have found that many people access this pool of knowledge without knowing what they are doing. I don’t think rituals are necessary, although to get the clearest information it helps to be open to receiving it and not blocking any ‘downloads’ by telling yourself you are just making it up.
People are far more magical than they believe!
One such night, I got a significant download of information regarding energy. One part that was very interesting related to cutting cords. Many people cut cords, to sever the connection on an energetic level to an event or person, but I have never liked it, it always felt wrong. Now I know why!
Cutting cords is NOT the way to go about this! Neither can you release the energy that attaches you to others, or to events. The release happens, but from the other end. (more…)
by Kirsten Ivatts | Nov 9, 2020 | Channel, Know Thyself, Uncategorized
It must be four or five years since I received this vision or download of information regarding the Chakra system. I came across it today, when looking through old pieces of writing. It is quite fascinating!
Many Eastern cultures rely on their understandings of the Chakra (and energy meridian) systems for healing and flowing energy blockages. But what I have learnt in my own Energy work is that people have blockages in many areas of the body and by only using the Chakra system to work with those people, you are missing the detail. It doesn’t mean it won’t work, it just isn’t as fast or effective.
One Energy system I use very effectively is called EmoTrance, and this method is very quick, simple and completely Chakra free. (more…)
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