Walking the Awakened Path

Walking the Awakened Path


Bit by bit humanity is waking up. If you are reading this, you have begun to see the world and your place in it differently. Or perhaps you have been on this path for a long time and found it very lonely.

Your awakening may have happened very quickly, burning down everything, you thought you knew about yourself and the world. It may have been a gradual process, a series of small things that made you question your reality. Or you may be like me. You may have always been awake, and your path instead is one of a continual alignment with more of your own Soul.

What we all have in common is a knowing that things cannot go on as they are. We might not have all the answers, but we do trust that there is far more to life and this world than we can see, feel, hear, touch and taste with our five human senses. We can see the cracks where the light shines through.

If you are not living close to others who are on a similar journey it can be very lonely. At times you may believe those who question your sanity or doubt that what you sense with your energy is real, and this can lead to anxiety and depression. The shadows can look very real and far too big to tackle.

But that is just part of the illusion, and shadows are like smoke, obscuring the truth of who you are and what you are capable of.


What Can I Do To Help Myself?

The simplest thing I can share with you, as an awakened soul, is to focus on becoming self-aware. Be aware of what you say, what you think, how and when you judge, what you fear, what angers you, what brings you joy and happiness. Start disconnecting yourself from the status quo. You can do it little by little.

Stop being fooled into thinking you are a victim of society, religion, circumstance, health, finances, relationships. Victimhood is the biggest lie we tell ourselves, and it robs us of all our power to create the life that supports us.

Start meditating. Anything that helps you to stand back from the thinking mind for a little each day is helpful. The ego, which is your created personality, will try desperately to keep you bound in the story of your life, even when you can see this story is wrong. It will do it with thoughts, emotions, reactions, habits and beliefs.

Start asking yourself these questions:

  • Who thought that thought?
  • Who reacted that way?
  • Who is in pain?
  • Who is scared?
  • Who is angry?
  • Who is feeling like the victim here?
  • Who feels this way?

You get the picture.

Each answer will pertain to a character in the story of your life. Even if it feels like you, it is NOT you. It is simply a character. Step back from it. If you are used to visualising or using your imagination, try to see the character. What is their story? Why did you create them? If you think you didn’t create them than you are still playing the victim role.  Start referring to them, not as I, but as he or she or them or it. This helps you to be the observer, rather than being enmeshed in the story the ego is playing.

YOU are a sentient being, playing a game. This game is supposed to be fun and informative. Earth is one of the best places to learn from a 3D perspective and the highly advanced Soul that you really are, knows this.

This Soul is all the things you think you are missing. It is:

  • Unconditional love and compassion
  • Grace
  • Abundance
  • Joy
  • Wisdom
  • Power and Sovereignty
  • Peace and Harmony

It holds the blueprint to your perfectly healthy body.

Your path of awakening has one simple goal. To crack the illusion of what you thought life was and align with the truth. You are an immortal Soul, playing this game, writing this story, to rediscover yourself from a new perspective.

All the things you think you need to learn, are already there. Meditation is the state of being when residing within the body of the Soul. You can already meditate; you just have to remember that your thoughts and emotions are a costume you are wearing.

Abundance and money are so tangled together that we often struggle to see where they are different. People struggle to find abundance, yet you are already abundance. All you have to do is drop the story of the ego.

The same goes for love. The journey of unconditional love is an inner one. You will never find that love you seek with anyone other than yourself. You are the one you have been waiting for. And once you find you, your relationships will take on a whole new quality!

Surrender is a technique I like to teach people very early on. That and ‘not knowing’. It is OK to ‘not know’. If you can surrender fully and allow yourself the ease of not knowing, you allow yourself to relax, removing the pressure that keeps the wisdom from seeping through into your consciousness.

If you have an issue, surrender it. Put it down as if you removed a heavy rucksack. Flex your muscles, feel the weight removed. This leaves space and clarity for the solution to emerge.


It’s all so simple right?

But of course, the experience of it is anything but. The ego is strong, our story holds us in its grip, and we believe everything has to be so hard. Getting past these beliefs is challenging.

That is why I am here to help. I have traversed this path, and so many of its challenges over the last 56 years. I have a deep understanding of how it feels to be different, to struggle to find your tribe, and to embrace the more spiritual side of life in a way that feels right for you, rather than prescribed by others.

You are not alone, and you are not a lost cause. You may feel like leaving this planet, like your home is not here. This is simply your frequency rising and adjusting to living alongside denser vibrations.

Once you get closer to your Soul than your ego, life on this planet becomes a playful adventure. You see it’s true beauty and know that there really is no other place like it! And you will feel lucky and grateful to have had the chance to incarnate here.




Feelings at Christmas and How to See the Gift That They Are.

Feelings at Christmas and How to See the Gift That They Are.

Christmas is a time where feelings can rise to the surface. These feelings are triggered by others, if we see the world through a victim mentality, which is the most common viewpoint for humanity at this time. This viewpoint is so common that most of you reading this will be now feeling triggered by my words.

Before I go on, I must say that my words ALWAYS sit within the vibration of pure love. I look at you and see the beauty of a Soul that is an aspect, or personality of me. I see myself as an aspect or personality of you. We are all one.

When thinking about what to write about feelings today, the following came to me.


Our Addiction to Healing ‘Work’, and How to Break The Habit!

Our Addiction to Healing ‘Work’, and How to Break The Habit!

We have such an addiction to ‘work’ in this society, that we have now become addicted to healing ourselves, by doing our shadow work.
I am someone who has been doing this ‘work’ for a long time! And I have been helping people with their own ‘work’ too.
BUT…there comes a point where we start to see everything as something to heal, rather than something to embrace. We almost invent our own issues, because we are so addicted to healing ‘work’.
We forget that we have certain ‘quirks’ that don’t FIT into everyone else’s version of reality. These don’t need fixing, they need embracing. They are what makes you YOU.
You could spend a lifetime trying to fix these things, and never manage, becoming more and more frustrated with yourself and your inability to heal.
So how do you know when to STOP!
A good indication is when you are capable of feeling joy, finding happiness, feeling love in the humble, ordinary, everyday life. Even if it isn’t sustainable, you know what it looks like, and you have a pretty good idea how to recreate it, and feel it deep within your bones.
And once you reach this point, any ‘mop up’ healing to be done is simple. And you don’t focus on the ‘work’. You focus on finding what brings you the most joy in any moment.
So if you are in a situation you don’t like, find one thing in your situation that is less awful than everything else. And work up from there.
In this way you do the best healing possible. You realign yourself with the core of who you really are.


Removing The Filters That Block Your Perception.

Removing The Filters That Block Your Perception.

Humans live in relationship to the world around them. Everything we perceive is something we create relationship with through all our senses. And that relationship is reciprocal, even if we are unaware of reciprocity. Relationship, in its basic form is an energy exchange. We build on that exchange by use of our mind, which creates a pattern for us of what this ‘thing’ we perceive is, can do for us, and how we should interact with it. When we perceive another entity that is consciousness (which consists of many things most people believe to be inanimate, like rocks for instance), that entity perceives us through its own system of awareness. The exchange of energy is mutual.


Your Story

Your Story


My last blog post was about My Story. But what are our stories and how do they come into being?

We have so many stories going on in our lives. There is the overall story, you could call it the novel. This can be broken down into sections or parts, and then further into chapters. Our stories interact and become a part of other people’s stories. Sometimes we take on their story thinking it is our own. Our story can contrast vastly to someone else’s and create conflicting stories. But always we are within our own story, doing the best we can.


My Story

My Story

I am aware you know very little about my personal story. And you may not want to! But if you do, read on and I will share a little.

I am not a religious Guru, though some people have treated me like a Guru at times. I am an ordinary person, with extraordinary perceptions about life. They are only extraordinary to others. I find them quite ordinary because they are a match to my alignment and I have always possessed them in some degree.

My slant has always been to teach, or rather to share wisdom and knowledge. I am not great at participating in any kind of hierarchy.
