Q & A: Does spirit intervene for babies or very small children?
I understand that we have free will and spirit cannot intervene if we are making choices that take us on a less favourable route or path.
Does spirit intervene for babies or very small children when they are unable to make choices or decisions and all decisions are made by the parent or guardian?
Thanks to Jeni Bosher for this great question. I asked this question to The 9. Here is their answer.
We ask, with a gentle smile, who is spirit? We are aware that many on a spiritual path choose the word spirit to mean a collective of angels, ascended masters, ancestors, even the Universe itself. Any of these cannot intervene unless you ask specifically. Even when you ask, they might not always answer, because your plan is to find THAT answer yourself.
Spirit is the you beyond soul. Spirit can and WILL intervene. Spirit is all of your plans, ever made, in any lifetime. Spirit is growing as your soul grows, expanding ever outwards into less form and more energy. To do so requires action through the plans you made in each individual lifetime.
When it comes to babies and children, the life plan is set out quite rigidly for that portion of a life. It is the setting (especially before the age of 7) for the lessons and challenges the Soul has chosen to learn through. The parents of the child who seem to be making decisions and choices for a child are actually responding to that child’s own Soul journey.
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