This is a transcript of a live channeling session with The 9.
We greet you as 9. Welcome to the space and thank you for coming and joining your energy with ours. We wish to discuss judgement. Judgement is so prevalent in the human consciousness and it is one of the most important things that need to be let go of for humanity to rise into a new level of awareness, and to bring the frequency of this consciousness of humanity, that you are all a big part of, to bring this frequency up to a new level, and this means that the human body then evolves as well, but the frequency must rise first, and judgment or the lack of judgment, the allowance of everybody to be who they are, of every situation to be as it is, is so important for this consciousness to rise.
So let us look at judgment and let us first remind you of a very simple principle of your physics. Where your attention is placed your energy follows. Everything in this dimension is formed, created from energy. Ask yourself when you lay your focus and your attention on something, what am I trying to create here and is this creation something that I want in my life? Is this creation something that I want in this world that I am existing and experiencing in?
We say to you most times when you are aware of where you are placing your attention you will not want to be creating what you are creating, so please think of this first and foremost always, because when you judge and we will start by thinking about judging another person, when you judge another person when you place your attention on something in them that you don’t like, your energy flows into that part of them that you don’t like, and accentuates it. Accentuates it for a good reason as it shows you where you sit in judgment, and it gives you the chance to look at what your judging in another and see what it brings up in you. It will be something that is fear based. So, look into you, not at that person.
Withdraw your energy back from that person once you have seen what you were judging in them, withdraw your energy back. Bring it back to you and then ask yourself these questions. Why am I triggered? because that’s what this is, why am I triggered by seeing this in someone else?
Why does it bring something up in me in the first place?
There’s something else here too because energy is not a one-way system it works where you put it out and it comes back, yes? You will know this cause and effect that is also the law of attraction, so energy is two way always. It’s a two-way exchange. So what you are judging in another is their pain.
When you think of it as their pain, can you then look at it with more compassion rather than judgment? Can you see that not only are you being shown what is painful in you, you are also being shown what is painful in another. Both sides of this equation need your compassion. Compassion for self, compassion for other. And so a very simple thing to do is, in the moment of your judgment, to realize that compassion is needed and simply to hold compassion for that other and compassion for you.
Ask for compassion from wherever you feel you need to ask it from, whether this is guides, angels, a deity. They are all really parts of you that you resonate with, so ask for compassion, ask for that grace to be brought to the situation, and always take away the information you gained, question it, and find out what it is telling you.
Judgment is a great indicator of where growth is still needed. So now let us look at judgment from a different perspective. You may feel that you are the one being judged, and you may feel that you have no judgment of another, in return, so once more this is a two-way exchange of energy. Where you feel judged is the place for you to take a closer look. This is all it is. All of these exchanges of energy bring you information that you can grow from. They are not meant to bring you pain. They are not meant for you to attach to, with your mind and your emotions, to the point where they become your story. They are simply a mechanism based on simple physics. They are mechanisms to show you the place you need to look withins
But somebody judging, you also has that pain, and again compassion is needed. So when you feel judged ask for compassion for both sides. And then take the information and learn and grow.
Then there are other types of judgment. These can be quite subtle. When we look out on this beautiful planet, when we look out at this human race, this great experiment of free will, we see of course, the things that you see. We see war, we see famine, we see suffering on many levels. We also see how attached you all become to each of these areas of conflict and fear.
When you look at a war, and you see the suffering of others, depending on your own perspective, your own beliefs, so your own personality structure, you will make a decision that this one is the bad one and this one is the good one. You will be on their side and you will judge the other for their act of war.
Now how do you bring that into balance with compassion for all. The first step is to say, I do not judge anybody’s decisions. I do not judge anybody’s beliefs. I do not judge anybody’s perspectives. I simply stand in the middle as I AM. In other words, you step back from the attachment to the stories that you see playing out in front of you, because they really have nothing to do with you at all, unless you are one of the ones within that conflict.
And if you are one of the ones within that conflict, you are there for a specific reason that helps your own growth process. Now we know each of you can feel triggered by this message. It is very hard to stand back from these stories when you see children suffering, you see adults suffering, when you perhaps see friends or family suffering, but we remind you again, that is not your story. By judging who is right and wrong you add to the energy of conflict in any situation. Wherever you place your attention energy flows. So if you wish to uncreate stories of war, you must first uncreate the stories of conflict within you, and your own beliefs and perspectives.
Every single soul that incarnates in the human experience, comes with a different set of skills, a different mission, and none of those are yours to interfere with. Just as you don’t want anyone to interfere with your mission and your beliefs and your perspective. Because what does that do? It makes you defensive and instantly there is conflict. And we can relate this too to matters of politics.
Politics once more, is about taking sides. Your whole political systems are about deciding on which side you want to vote for, which side you want to put more energy into, which side you want to create, and we say that in not too many years from now, these systems will disintegrate. There will be no more choosing sides. Things will be more balanced, things will make more sense to more people, things will be fairer. But first things must fall apart.
We ask you then before you decide who is right or wrong in a situation, who is right or wrong in war, right or wrong in politics, who is right or wrong in any area where there are one or more sides of an equation, place yourself in the center, be the stillness, the fulcrum, and let these stories of others do whatever they need to do around you. Don’t let these become your story. Don’t add your energy into conflict, don’t judge another. You don’t know why they have chosen the path they have. You don’t know their pain, you don’t know what they are here to learn, you don’t know what mission they have come in with.
We will remind you also, that you have all had many incarnations where you have been the one at the opposite side of the table so to speak, to where you are now. You have all experienced all sides, so hold compassion for that other side, because it could be you over there, that you are sitting in your own belief and perspectives, hating, judging, in conflict with.
We want to also present you with an analogy, another based on judgment. We wish you to think of a cat. If you have a cat this may resonate more with you. Think of a cat. How many of you judge a cat, or your cat, or someone else’s cat? How many of you ever sit and judge and be in conflict with a cat. A cat does not attract judgment. This is simply because a cat knows it is a cat and a cat sits in its own power always. That power extends from that cat and that power says to everybody, that the cat comes into any sort of awareness of, I am a cat. So the cat knows exactly what to do, the cat knows how to eat, the cat knows everything it needs to survive. It never questions its own power, it never doubts its power, it doesn’t invite judgment upon itself. And this analogy is here to show you something very important. When you stand in your own power, your own sovereignty, your own in knowingness, you do not attract judgment, because anybody that comes into contact with your energy, knows that you know exactly who you are and you are comfortable being in your power.
We told this avatar this analogy and she pointed out that people sit in judgment of Jesus, and people sat in judgment recently of the Dalai Lama. And we responded, in the case of the Dalai Lama something came up in him, something of self recognition, to integrate, because as an wise advanced soul he’s still living a human experience, and that is for a reason. It is not just for him to help others, it is always to advance the soul, otherwise he wouldn’t come here in human form. So by integrating wisdom and recognition of something in him, opened himself as a mirror for others to learn from.
And many judged, and many that had belief in him faltered, yet they persisted with their belief. Yet the Dalai Llama did not suffer these judgments. His energy did not gain impact from the stories of others, the stories were not added to his own. He did not invite them in because he understood himself. He understood his power and he knew that his story was the only story of importance to his own growth.
In the case of the Christ Jesus we tell you, you do not know the story of the man. There are many pieces of that story that have been hidden from you, and the story has been turned into a fable that has been used for many, many centuries as a form of political and religious control. This is not the time to tell Yeshua’s full story. But do not think the judgments brought on him where he supposedly suffered for all mankind are true. They are not.