In the first live session channeling The 9 they talked about being of service. You can read this first part HERE
In this second part of the session people asked questions. This post is a transcript of the questions and answers. Myself, and The 9, hope you find it valuable.
Is it the Ego part of our mind that wishes us to go and try to make practical Service choices? I think rather than you know we all try to plan and plan a path and feel like we’re not sufficiently helping If we’re not doing some long list of things so that’s our our ego mind.
Yes it’s the ego personality, we would call it the ego construct, and you come into this life with an ego, and the whole point of that ego is to be, let us say the front person for the soul, that the ego goes into this strange world and it begins to gather what we like to call stories, and it gets more and more stories, and so the ego constructs an identity, a personality, that from our vantage point looks like a geometric shape. Now this geometric shape stands in the way of the soul. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing but the more dense this geomagnetic shape is, the harder it is for you, on the very outside of the shape, to sense and hear and intuit and talk to the soul at the other side. And so yes it is that ego that causes you to go out to look, with anything you do. Humans tend to go out into the world to look for answers. This avatar, Kirsten, had a lust for seeking and spent a lot of this life seeking outside herself for the knowledge. Yet she has found especially in very recent years, wisdom is always within, and you can seek knowledge and bring it back and let it, we like to say, marinade with the wisdom, so you get the best of both, but all and everything that you need to know is within you. It is stored on your DNA and you can unlock all of that storage just by sitting with yourself. So anytime you go out into the world to look for ways to be of service you are forgetting that all you have to do is to come back within, and be as much of you as you can feel into, and we say that because, when you are completely you, you feel rapture and there is nothing more joyous than being completely you. And that doesn’t mean that you tread on other people, or you are not in compassion, because when you are completely you, you are always compassionate. You don’t have to control who you are from that center, because the soul that you are is everything. Â The ego needs to learn to ease away from control and to surrender into the soul.
I have a lot of physical pain and illness and restrictions that started at an unusually young age in my life, and I have fear going forward about how I will manage to live my life. If you’ve got any advice about how to manage that sort of projection because I feel if it is this bad now it’ll probably get worse later.
We ask you to consider that by you are focusing on the future and on the past, you are taking your focus away from this present moment, and this present moment is all there is. So, the ego is very good at tricking you into being in the past or in the future and always away from the reality of now. And when it does this, when you have something like an ongoing illness that’s been around for a long time, it draws your attention constantly to that illness. And the more focus that is put onto the illness itself, and the pain and the fears that go with the illness, the more it persists. So, the more focus that you put in, the more that you expand something. So, the key for you is firstly trying to find ways to be very much in this now moment. So that will mean, quieting the mind, almost putting the mind to one side, even for small moments, because at first this is very hard. So, it needs to be a little at a time. small chunks, until you get better at doing it. That’s the first key. The second is to be able to stand back and realize that you are not the body, you are not the mind, and you are not the emotions. You are a great soul! Come back to who you are, stand apart and be that observer and say, ‘That is my avatar experiencing pain. I cannot take that away from it while it is experiencing pain, but I can stand back as the soul and realize I never suffer, I am not in pain.’  And the more that you can distance yourself from that body, from that mind, from the emotion that goes with the fear of what will happen in the future, and the fear of what has happened in the past, and the experiences that so far seem to be the story, of your life and you can remember who you really are, then you’ll start to find the answers that are all there within you, will begin to surface, solutions always forward, will begin to surface. Synchronicity  around your health will begin to surface and you will start to see life from a very different perspective, that brings you into your power, that helps you to see that there is no illness that you have to suffer, because you are far more than the body and mind and emotions. You are here to experience life on this earth with all its challenges ,but as the observer, and so  try to find the practices which do include meditation, which can be hard we know when there is a lot of pain. Some of us have been on this earth we have been on this earth as Thoth, as Enoch who became Metatron, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene,  Paul The Venetian  and lady Portia.  We have experienced lifetime on earth in physical form, and we know the pain can make it seem like meditation or stepping away from the pain body, is far too big a thing for anyone to do. But you did not set yourself this journey to fail. You only gave yourself the challenges that you can overcome. The way to overcome them is to step back into who you really are to have the understanding that, I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not the emotions. Start finding those ways to distance yourself so you may listen to what the soul is bringing forth. So meditation, reminding yourself every time that you feel the pain, this is not my body, this is not my pain. When you feel an intense emotion, this is not my emotion. When you feel the mind is taking over, this is not my mind, these are not my thoughts. Who is having these thoughts? That is not me. And repeating these things makes it easier, so it becomes second nature, and once it becomes second nature it eventually just becomes who you are, so that you are always the soul watching on the human experience, and the human experience then becomes easier and lighter and far more enjoyable. And yes, there will always be challenge. Challenges will be seen as an enlightening experience, rather than an experience to suffer through.
My question partly is what do I need to focus on the most right now but also yeah I’m having to I need to make some quite big decisions and I’m new and new to the thing of listening to the soul so I’m just wondering if I’ll be able to develop that skills enough in time before I need to make some quite big life decisions if you have any advice that please.
Thank you for your question. You always have a choice, all of you have choices. So, you ask if you can listen to your soul, hear your soul before you make the decisions that you need to make, because the time period that you have seems quite small. That choice is just your choice you can choose whether you wish each day to listen to the ego mind, to listen to the emotions, to listen to the physical body as we have just said in the last question. Or you could choose to remind yourself in every moment that you are not the body, you are not mind, you are not the emotions, you are so much greater, and as we said in answer to the last question, you did not set these challenges to fail. All of you need to remember that the ego limits you. Identity is a limitation, it stops you from seeing, feeling, and knowing your power. So yes you have enough time to get to a point of clarity, but you have to take the journey, you have to make the effort, you have to follow the steps. And those steps a lot of which were given to you by Kirsten, need to be remembered. So you need to perhaps have things around you that remind you, remind you to say when your mind is not clear, ‘I am not the mind, who is it that who is speaking? That is not me.’ And to keep distancing yourself so you can observe fully, that character that is playing out a story in front of you. You can watch it play like a film, visualize what this character is doing and what they look like, and watch on, and the more that you can do this, the funnier it will seem, that you invented this character and that you ever thought that they controlled and ran your life. You ask if you can make the effort for you, in each moment because there is only ever now, and you can expand that now, you can expand that time. You have as much time as you need, and you have as much time as you invent. Be in the now, be the observer, feel for the soul, and spend time in deep listening, not to others, but to what you know deep inside. Does that answer your question?
I was just going add that it’s hard to do all that when you are really low on energy. Â It’s almost like extra effort is needed to do it.
That’s because the ego is still leading. There is no effort in being you. So any time that you are doing something that takes effort, you are actually being led by the ego. If something is taking effort if it is an effort to meditate, let’s say to meditate as an example, if it is an effort to meditate you are not meditating. If it is an effort to sit and just breathe then you are not sitting and just breathing, you are being in the egoic identity that believes it is an effort.
So more like joy?
Joy will come. Sometimes it can seem a big leap, from where you are, to joy. It is a big leap, so what we say to you is, is it an effort to sit and just breathe? Is that an effort?
No, because actually the ego has nothing to do with breathing. Breathing is a function that the Soul gives to the body. Breathing is something you do with no thought. you do not need thought to breathe, and so all you have to do is sit and breathe. And every time that your mind starts revolving, as soon as you realize, you say, these are not my thoughts, and then you go back to the breath and you do this as much as you need to do it. Until you start to calm the thoughts, and that will show you that you are moving out of the density that the egoic identity has become. This density that is packed full of, you could describe it like static electricity, and in that static nothing makes sense, there is no clarity, you cannot hear the soul. It is like being between radio stations. You, by sitting and breathing, are retuning the dial. Is that a metaphor that makes sense?
Yeah that’s really helpful.
So all you have to do is sit and breathe, and if you can just sit and breathe, and keep reminding yourself, those thoughts are not my thoughts, those emotions are not my emotions, you are sitting immediately within the soul and not within identity, and that’s as simple as it is is.
My question has to do with more about my Creativity, my artistic nature and if that has a role in my service to others. I understand that it brings me joy and but there’s a part of me that says focusing so much on what brings me joy lessens my service to others.
Thank you for asking this question because it is something that comes up for humans so much. It is that you have all been trained, that to be in service to others means, that you must be working on the outside,  you must be bringing yourself out and consciously looking at what you can do based on what others need. Others need you to be you. You need others to be themselves. If all of humanity were the completeness of their soul, brought into the human experience, humanity would awaken into a whole new age. Because if you are going out into the world and looking at what you can do for another, in a way, that is very egoic, because you are making a presumption that you know what that other person needs. You are seeing that person from your reality and not from theirs. You are also seeing that person without knowing their divine blueprint for this lifetime, the template, the structure, that is the perfect structure, to express their souls talents and abilities as a human. You are making a presumption that you know better than them, or even if they ask for your help, you still make a presumption of what that help might be. If you are completely you, not you with the little voice that says, ‘I shouldn’t be doing this, because if I’m in my joy, that person over there I know  isn’t in their joy, is going to suffer more, because it will seem like I don’t care.’, you are still not in your soul, you are partly and you are still partly in the egoic identity. The person looking on that says, that person doesn’t care because they are being so utterly themselves that they are not seeing me,  is still in their own  ego identity, and you are triggering them to have to look back at themselves, and see what’s missing in them. That isn’t something that you need to worry about. And it’s not not compassionate for that to happen. When you are fully in your joy, in your flow state, and you know the flow state, when you are fully immersed in something, where time has no meaning. Where you just flow constantly in your creativity, whatever that is, however that looks, that is you in the soul, that is you being you, and that is what you came here to do. This is why we wanted Kirsten to do what she’s doing now, because it is part of who she is and it’s part of why she came into this particular personality structure. She came to overcome challenges that stood in the way of her doing this sort of thing, because she had to overcome those challenges to get to this point. And she’s like all of you, she’s not there yet, she’s not fully in her soul, she has questions and ideas about what might go wrong in this and how it would make her vulnerable, but she decided to trust and have faith and that’s what we ask every one of you to do, is to trust and have faith in you. You all know you. It’s that part of you that you hide because you are scared of the judgment of others, whether it’s really there or not, or whether you’re making up that story in your head, and it is always a story, that’s the secret. Be in your joy because in your joy is the deepest compassion and love for everybody. You cannot go wrong in that state, because in that state you are suddenly aware that every single person, every animal, every plant, every sentience on Earth, including the planet itself and all the planets in your solar system and beyond, are the same as you. You are one, because you all come from the same source, and so how can you not have compassion for yourself? And many of you will say, ‘I don’t have compassion for myself.’ But you do if you are yourself. It is only the ego that stands in the way, and the way to overcome the ego, is as we have said, to question everything you feel, so your emotions, everything in your body that is uncomfortable, everything that your mind tells you, step back and say, that is not my thought because the soul does not need thought, the soul knows. You do not have to think about something, you do not have to work something out when it comes from the soul. It’s just there for you. And it is a big concept, we understand, it is a big, big concept to know yourself fully, and it can take lifetimes, but the human consciousness is expanding. You are all here on this planet at this time because you are such advanced souls, that you knew that you needed to be here now, for the greatest challenges that humanity will face in many ages, because this is the time of blooming, this is the time where many gain enlightenment, and this is the time of the great shift in consciousness into a new golden era. Do not look at it in linear time because from a human perspective this is not going to be an overnight expansion, but it has begun. You would not be sitting here asking these questions you have asked, all very good questions, you would not be asking these questions if you weren’t these advanced souls, here to be part of this age, this new beginning. So be in your joy. Don’t limit yourself because you listen to that egoic mind that tells you that to be in your joy, is irresponsible, is uncaring, is going to bring judgment on you. Don’t listen to that egoic voice because it is wrong. It is made up of so much wrongness, and when you really see it, when you really get this big cosmic joke, because that’s what it is, then you can laugh! Laugh more, play more, be lighter. Sink into that creativity in whatever form you have. It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter the form, it will always be of service because when you are in your joy, and in your soul it is like a ripple, an infectious ripple, it is like the best version of a virus possible. It’s spread those that need that joy to lift them into their own, it will be the most amazing experience to be with you. And for those that need the trigger to make them look inward, it may be uncomfortable, but that isn’t your problem, you are still being of service to those people.
I would like to thank all of the people who have supported my practice with The 9. And of course for their wonderful questions!