Sacral centre chakra
I settled into a deep breathing pattern and tuned into my sacral chakra. I visualised a large orange portal and walked through. This was a place of swirling, noisy energy. Orange winds with hints tiny of electric purple, orange sandy rain, which managed to dance around me rather than covering me. This orange sand was covering the ground and I sat down and began moulding it. There is a type of kids play sand that stays in the shape you create without falling apart. This sand was like that.

I started moulding a small holding I would like, money, sculptures of pure happiness that were nothing other than shapes that flowed from my hands. I sat and had fun, as any child might in a sand pit. And all the while the rain kept raining and the wind kept blowing and the sand kept falling. I had no vision of anything else in this space. But I stayed and had fun.

A week later I returned to the sacral centre. By this time, I had already entered the Solar plexus and the heart chakra, and I don’t know if that was what caused the changes to occur.

This time, the wind still blew, but it was a gentle wind. I had been given a ball of white light by a creation dragon on a previous journey, and I threw it up into the air. It exploded into tiny flickers of white light and rained down onto the sandy ground. All around me the orange sand started forming into spring like growth. Flowers were creating themselves, and each one had a ball of light at its centre. There was a path forming across what was fast becoming an orange meadow. I followed it, delighting in the growth and the ability to see where I was going.

Ahead of me stood an orange dragon that I hadn’t met before. It loomed over a round stone pit with embers smoking within it.

Orange dragon

For a long time now, I have struggled to really feel passion. I would sometimes get a sudden spurt, but nothing that continued and nothing that created desire. I haven’t been unhappy, quite the opposite, but I was aware that the sacral centre was not firing up as it used to.

So these embers made sense. They were very nearly gone out. The dragon pulled them altogether into a pile and told me I must blow on them. While I did this, he fanned the embers, and together we created a flame.

He told me the flame would now remain lit. The embers must stay in the cone like pile until they really caught hold and then they could be flattened to fill the whole pit area. The dragon remained behind to tend to the flame as I walked back through the orange meadow, sparkling with tiny flickers of light.

A few days later I called back in. The dragon had spread the embers back out and the fire was burning low over the whole pit. I could feel little flutters of movement in my lower stomach when thinking about ideas. It wasn’t a raging flame of passion yet, but it was a beginning.

Cover image by Geralt on Pixabay.

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By Kirsten Ivatts

Kirsten Ivatts is a guide, mentor and Soul Friend to the awakened Soul. She is an author, interdimensional traveller, galactic shaman, oracle, teacher and healer.

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