Kingdoms Lost - A Fantasy Adventure

Unedited version of a novel I am writing. This is not finished yet, but is available for feedback if you so wish!

The Magical Community of I

Anything related to the Technique I termed, ‘The Magical Community of I’

The Chronicles of 9

The story of how I began channelling The 9 and different messages they wanted me to share.

Indigo Readings

Readings, oracle cards, card decks

The Awakened Path

The path of awakening, awareness and Gnosis

Channelled Messages

Messages from entities other than The 9

Q & A

Answers from Q & A’s with The 9

Poetry and Short Stories

Poetry and short stories


Journeying into other dimensions

Chakras as Portals

Using chakras as portals and what I discovered



She sat in her boat, adrift on a still ocean. She had been here a long time, a survivor of storms, waiting for the way to reveal itself.   In the last days, sunlight had appeared, soft and tentative, tracing ripples on the water. The fog, ever-present, faded into...

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Loving you is Easy

Loving you is Easy

Loving You is Easy.   Loving you is as natural as breathing. One thousand kilometres between us Yet our connection bridges time & space, As we dance in a world of our own making. Sensual exploration of energetic harmonics Telepathic exploration of minds in...

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The Sky Dancer – A Poem

The Sky Dancer – A Poem

The Sky Dancer.   I am the sky dancer at home in the stars, Traversing lightly, These realms of Earth. Descending for those flickering human moments, Before playing in dreams once more. In one such moment you caught me, Like catching the ethereal in your hands....

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