by Kirsten Ivatts | Jan 6, 2021 | Know Thyself, Uncategorized
There are times when spiritual experiences can seem a little like taking drugs…you experience a psychedelic high, meet amazing beings, know complete freedom, see the big picture….and then you drop back down into the heavy frequency of Earth. It can be a plummet for the emotions and mind.
I often find I want to share everything I have found out, after all that’s why I go off travelling in these different dimensions. And my new knowledge falls on deaf ears. Or very few people see and understand what I am talking about. It is a lonely place, this 5D reality! This is when my emotions can really take a pounding if I am not alert to them.
But I don’t give in. I learnt long ago that my findings ARE important for the greater good, and people do catch up. And more and more people are awakening to their own sovereignty, their own spiritual journey and seeing the big picture, or re-membering who they are. (more…)
by Kirsten Ivatts | Dec 29, 2020 | Know Thyself, Uncategorized
Most highly spiritual and awakened people wish to share their message of truth, wisdom and knowledge with the world.
Because that is their purpose. Especially at this time in Earth’s history, these people are needed and indeed many are turning to them now for help.
BUT…there is a problem.
Many spiritual people find it hard to make a living and so support themselves and their families through their vital work.
Why is this?
The reasons are complicated and convoluted but put very simply…most Spiritual types have such a need within them to help others, that it drowns out the need to help themselves. Is this YOU?
Most spiritual people also find the whole concept of money terrifying…yes that’s right…its not just that they think they shouldn’t charge those in need of their help…MONEY IS TERRIFYING!
Again, I ask WHY?
by Kirsten Ivatts | Dec 9, 2020 | The Magical Community of I blog
Do you wish you knew how to take control of your life and empower the best version of yourself?
We live within an illusion, one created by humanity. That isn’t a bad thing, as long as you realise that it is an illusion.
Our human story is progressing and evolving constantly into something new and we all add to this story and co- create it. We also create our own story that weaves in and out of the story of humanity. We have absolute power and authority to create this story in any way we like! (more…)
by Kirsten Ivatts | Nov 6, 2020 | The Chronicles of 9
Yesterday I shared a description of what ‘The 9’ actually are. You can see the post here.
As a reminder, they are me, in my highest (known) form. I place known in brackets, because as we expand our consciousness, and remember more of who we are, we step up into higher and higher frequencies. Eventually I will move into a frequency with a higher dimensional Soul self.
I know this as I have experienced it. The 9 came into my awareness after a year of growth, ending in the final test, which was a time of darkness for me. I came out of it reborn, and the 9 then appeared. Even before this I was aware of, what I then termed guides, coming and going as I grew. (more…)
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