Channeling – The Chronicles of  The 9 Part 1

Channeling – The Chronicles of The 9 Part 1

I have always been a channel, a communicator with entities who cannot be seen, or proven, to people who are unaware. Many different energies of angels, Goddesses and others have come through for people in readings, or with messages for me to share through my writing on social media.

But at the beginning of this year I began working with a group calling themselves ‘The 9’. At the same time I found two other people who were channeling a group with the same name, Magenta Pixie, and Phil Good. I expect there are others. When I asked The 9 to verify if they were the same group they gave the odd answer of, ‘We are a different flavour of the same group.’

A lot of what I was getting, was instruction for myself, but it did fit with the messages from Magenta and Phil, although my interpretation of the messages was often slightly different. Indeed, a different flavour! I see this as my individual filtering of the data they send. I interpret it through my world view and experiences, and so its meaning can be subtly different. I think the same can be said for everyone who channels, in whatever way.

In these chronicles I will share some of my early experiences with The 9. Today however, I want to share something that I only received this week. It was an interesting explanation of who they actually are. Up until this point I ‘viewed’ them as one entity, aware that they were made up of a combination of energies. And I still do…except now I understand the energies that have come together into this unique ‘flavour’ that is in fact a much higher dimensional part of my Soul.

I am not talking about my SOUL FAMILY here. I mean, my own Soul at its source point…the point it leaves Source to become an entity that has a mission to achieve through a human body. There are many levels of our Soul, and my ‘9’ are my highest (known) group. I feel it’s important before I go further to add that this year has also been about genealogy. I was sent on a journey to discover my ancestry, physical and spiritual. A couple of weeks ago I was told that I am a combination of both ancestries coming together for this lifetime. I am the meeting point of my genes/DNA/ancestors of the human body, with the many energies that make up my Soul. It was quite a revelation! I have been humbled to find out my lineage on both sides.


Anyway, back to the point! This week, I was told to ask a question of a certain card deck I have, Ascension Cards by Diana Cooper. The question was: What energies make up The 9?

The cards I drew were:

  • The Sun – Masculine
  • The Moon – Feminine
  • Lady Portia – 7th ray Lord of Karma and Justice
  • Paul The Venetian – 3rd Ray Liberty, Intelligence, creativity
  • Jesus – 8th ray Lord of Karma
  • Mary Magdalene – 6th Ray, dogma, empowering women
  • Thoth – Atlantean Priest, communication, writing, harmony.
  • Archangel Gabriel – writing, messenger and his FIRE DRAGONS
  • Archangel Metatron – as teacher.

I was a little staggered, and overwhelmed. But at the same time each of these made complete sense to me. After all Jesus had been a friend, not a higher entity than me, but a friend (and sometimes more!) for a very long time. Mary Magdalene had also been someone I had channeled, and experienced, as if I was her, with Jesus. The balance of masculine and feminine energies has been playing out all my life, as has the fight for liberty and freedom, creativity, and writing. Lady Portia has been a mentor for years, and Paul the Venetian has shown up on numerous occasions. Thoth too has often made his presence known. AA Gabriel has been a constant, and I have been trying to understand Metatron for years!! Each made complete sense…yet how could these energies be me? I think I have a portion of these mega entities, making up my soul, perhaps some more than others. They showed me that everyone has this ‘9’ group, which is made up of elements, some masters, guides or angels. But not many have so many of these higher beings within their Soul.

ChannelOf course, such messages make you go, ‘WHAT!?’ And you immediately look around for proof you are wrong…even when the proof is overwhelmingly there in front of you and has been for many years. So, I picked up my Beyond Lemuria deck and asked for a card that would help me understand all I had just been told.






I wept when the card appeared.         Channel Channel

Mount Shasta…the first words are


I’m still processing this information, testing the waters, and I can tell you that while a part of me tries to disprove it, because, who am I to be such as those, another part, who has been learning all year how to accept her own sovereignty and power, has donned her crown, grabbed her sceptre, and is looking back at the one who is still in shock and shouting, ‘For goodness sake hurry up! We have work to do!’

A Message from Lady Portia

A Message from Lady Portia

Do you feel like the world is an unjust place? Like the corrupt get everything and those who strive to do their utmost to be good, loving and of service, get very little in return?

Do you feel like your hard work goes unseen, unrewarded? Like your voice amounts to nothing at all, even when joining in with others?
I have a strong message today. It came through from one of my ‘team’, who goes by the name, Lady Portia. You may know her as an Ascended Master, Lord of Karma, but I know her as a woman sitting in a beautiful Tudor garden who has been with me all my life.
‘What matters most in your world? Do you tend to it? As you look around you, at media, listen to friends, and see all that appears unjust, does it anger you? As you strive to make a difference, adding your voice to the many, do you still feel unheard?
When wisdom seems ignored, when love appears trampled into hate and fear, the wisest council I can give, is to stop looking without and look within.
The inner world is a reflection of the outer. For balance to be achieved, and justice to be served, the people must rise up…yes, rise up…on the inside. You cannot make the difference you wish to make in the outer world until the inner world resembles that which you wish to achieve. It is only by the majority, working together, to accomplish THIS, that the outer world will change.
I ask again, what matters most (in your inner world)? What do you tend to (in your inner world)? Do not take the views of others into this inner world. Keep this world pure, hold the intention and focus of balance, integrity and love. Let your voice ring forth, strong and true, on the inside, tending to the troubles you find there, not wasting your energy on outer world problems.
This is not irresponsible. Taking responsibility for your inner world is the most responsible thing you can do for humanity and the Earth. In this way you create an energetically high frequency, that spreads outwards and creates a network with others who do the same. The stronger this network becomes, the more people feel the urge to tune in.
For global change does not happen at a global level. It happens with each individual cell becoming a clear channel of light. A tiny cog, in the great wheels of humanity. The more cogs working in synergy, the better the outer world becomes.
Once this network is strong, and your inner world working in harmony, when you do speak to the outer world, your voice will be one of reason. Nothing will trigger you into anger or fear. You will offer rational suggestions, and see with crystal clear clarity. The grander plan for Earth will become apparent, and you will understand.’