Spiritual Highs and Lows – A few Musings

Spiritual Highs and Lows – A few Musings

There are times when spiritual experiences can seem a little like taking drugs…you experience a psychedelic high, meet amazing beings, know complete freedom, see the big picture….and then you drop back down into the heavy frequency of Earth. It can be a plummet for the emotions and mind.

I often find I want to share everything I have found out, after all that’s why I go off travelling in these different dimensions. And my new knowledge falls on deaf ears. Or very few people see and understand what I am talking about. It is a lonely place, this 5D reality! This is when my emotions can really take a pounding if I am not alert to them.

But I don’t give in. I learnt long ago that my findings ARE important for the greater good, and people do catch up. And more and more people are awakening to their own sovereignty, their own spiritual journey and seeing the big picture, or re-membering who they are. (more…)