Do You Find Your Spiritual Path Lonely?

Do You Find Your Spiritual Path Lonely?

Do you find your spiritual path lonely? So many people say to me, I wish I lived near to you as I have no friends who are exploring their spiritual side like I am.

It seems, for many of us, our like minded friends are only available online. And, you know, this is OK. In an ideal world it would be great to have all those who are vibrating at your frequency, living around you. But look at it this way.

The world is changing and humanity is on a path of awakening. This is fantastic, yet it isn’t quick, in human terms. That being said, there is a definite growth spurt going on! If everyone who was vibrating at a frequency of ‘awakened being’ or lightworker/wayshower however you want to label it, were all in one place, the light generated by each of those individuals, in communion together, would have the effect of creating a pocket of awakening, rather than a world wide one. (more…)